What is EMOM?
EMOM is kid's virtual mother that assists in kid’s overall personality development.
It is an online platform that provides educational video content for kids which is organised into categories and subcategories. Along with videos, it provides resources like educational story books, image books, quiz, puzzles, drawing activity etc. all at one place. All the content is available for free and is within everyone’s reach. EMOM keeps your child entertained and engaged when you are away. The educative and fun content aids in his/her overall personality development.
After making an account on EMOM, parents can track their child’sinterest, track the watch history and know more about the diet chart,growth and development chart, milestones chart for their child.

Our Mission
Every Child is a Work of Art.
Let’s Help Create their Inner Masterpiece.

Our Vision
A world where all kids have equal and free access to resources that aid in their overall personality development.

Our Belief
Today’s children will create tomorrow’s future.

With the technology boom, interactive devices like smartphones, tablets & computers have grown in numbers. Also, access to the internet has become more reliable & easier.
Kids: Being curious and creative, they explore smartphones and internet looking at random stuff to find something useful. In this process, many times inappropriate content pops up as well.
Parents: Parents need to download different apps, purchase separate devices like children educational tablets to teach their kids. Some of these devices are expensive also. The content is scattered and not organized at one place. Due to busy schedule at work, it is difficult for parents to track their child’s interests. There is no single platform that can take care and aid in their child’s overall personality development.

Who We Serve?
We serve all children aged 1-10 years and their parents.

For kids:
- Organized and structured content across diverse fields through videos all at one place.
- Edutainment: quizzes and puzzles.
- Categories ranging from Maths, Science to Dance, Music and many more.
- Child specific content only.
- Let’s learning be fun, entertaining and diverse.

For Parents:
- Keeps your child engaged with educative and fun content when you are away.
- Provides insights about your child’s interests.
- Shares knowledge about various milestones, growth and development goals, diet plans, vaccination schedule and more!
- It is totally free!