October 12, 2019
Earth: Mass, Volume and Distance
October 16, 2019
  • Domestic animals or livestock is the backbone of Indian agriculture. Cattle, sheep, pigs, camels and horses constitute the livestock wealth of our country.
  • Bullocks, camels and horses provide the power for cultivation and transportation. Buffaloes and cows provide milk.
  • Sheep and goat provide wool, leather and meat. Pigs are a source of animal proteins.
  • Droppings from cattle form a good manure used for maintaining soil fertility. Cow dung is often used as fuel. The hides of cattle are used in the leather industry.
  • India is an agricultural country and livestock plays an important role in its economy. If our agricultural produce is to be improved, the condition of our livestock must be improved.
  • The science of breeding and caring for livestock is called Animal husbandry.

Domestic Animals:

Name of animal Description
Domestic AnimalsCow
1. Cows are the primary consumers.
2. They feed on farm crops and agricultural wastes.

3. They provide milk and milk products which are a source of animal proteins to man.
Domestic AnimalsCattle
1. Cattle are commonly raised as livestock for meat, for milk, and for furs, which are used to make leather.
2. They are used as riding animals and draft animals.
Domestic AnimalsBuffaloes
1. It is also commonly called as water buffalo.

2. Buffaloes produce almost three times more milk than the cows and contain 50% more fat.
Domestic AnimalsSheep
1. According to live stock census, India has more than 41 million sheep.

2. Sheep are reared for wool, skin and meat.

3. In India, the wool yielding sheep are primarily concentrated in dry part of Rajasthan, Kutch, Saurashtra and North Gujarat.
Domestic AnimalsGoats
1. According to live stock census, India has more than 80 million goats.
2. Goats are reared for milk, meat, skin and wool.
3. Droppings of goats are a valuable source of manure.
Domestic AnimalsDonkeys
1. Donkeys are very similar to horses but have smaller and stouter body. They are the most simple and unselfish animal.
2. They can withstand adverse weather conditions and can work continuously without rest.
Domestic AnimalsCamels
1. Camels are large and strong animals found in dry condition.
2. They can travel long distances in extreme hot, dry deserts with little food and water.
3. Camels walk easily on sand and can carry heavy loads to places where there are no roads.
Domestic AnimalsYak
1. The domestic yak is a long-haired found throughout the Himalayan, the Tibetan Plateau.
2. Domesticated yaks have been kept for thousands of years, primarily for their milk, fibre and meat, and as beasts of burden.
Domestic AnimalsChicken
1. The chicken is a type of domesticated bird,
2. Humans keep chickens primarily as a source of food (consuming both their meat and eggs) and, less commonly, as pets.
Domestic AnimalsDogs
1. Dogs are believed to be a classic example of domesticated animals normally suited to being pets.
2. Dogs will follow their human companions loyally even into anger. Many armyand police dogs are the most loyal and bravest companions an officer could have in the hour of peril.
Domestic AnimalsCats
1. Domestic cats are small mammals, of the family Felidae. Domestic cats are often called house cats when kept as indoor pets.
2. Cats have been domesticated for nearly 10,000 years. They are one of the most popular pets in the world.

3. Cats were probably first kept because they ate mice. Later they were kept because they are friendly and good companions.
Domestic AnimalsRabbits
1. Rabbits are one of the popular domestic animals in India.
2. They need cages and regular maintenance.
3. They have a lifespan of 6 to 7 years.
4. Rabbits are a joy to play with.
5. They are Alert, active and plenty of fun.
Domestic AnimalsHorses
1. Some people keep horses as pets.
2. Today, horses are mostly used for entertainment and sports.
3. They are also still used for work and transportation in some places.
4. Horses are used in, sports such as cross-country, show jumping, horse polo, rodeo events etc.
5. Show jumping, cross-country and dressage are Olympic sports.
Domestic AnimalsFishes
1. Fishes are also kept in many households as pets.
2. Most people in India like angelfish, tetras, koi carp, guppies, gourami, suckers, and hilsa (common freshwater fish).
3. The fascinating alligator gar, a freshwater fish that can grow as long as 10 feet!

Animal husbandry:

  • Animal husbandry is the branch of agriculture concerned with animals that are raised for meat, fibre, milk, eggs, or other products. It includes day-to-day care, selective breeding and the raising of some of domestic animals.
  • Many farmers in India depend on animal husbandry for their livelihood. In addition to supplying milk, meat, eggs, wool, their castings and hides, animals, mainly bullocks, are the major source of power for both farmers and labourer.
  • Thus, animal husbandry plays an important role in the rural economy. The gross value of output from this sector was ₹358 billion in FY 1989, an amount that constituted about 25 percent of the total agricultural output of ₹1.4 trillion.

Interesting Facts:

  • A goat is believed to be the first ever animal to be domesticated.
  • Chickens use 200 different types of vocalization as a means of communication. They can communicate with their mother whilst still in the egg.
  • Cows develop strong bonds like humans. They spend most of their time with some preferred companions.
  • Sheep make a bleating sound and baby lambs can recognize their mother by her bleat.
  • Goats have rectangular pupils that help them to see better in the dark.
  • A pig can run 11 miles in an hour.
  • Cattle have an almost 360-degree panoramic vision.
  • Ducks have waterproof feathers. They have a special gland near their tail that produces oil. This oil covers the outer coat of feathers.
  • Sheep have two toes on each foot.
  • Cats have excellent hearing and sense of smell.
  • Goats and sheep do not have teeth on their front jaw. They have a hard plate that helps them to grind up the food.
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