Aeroplane (1903) Wilber and Orville Wright (Wright Brothers)
Bicycle (1839) Kirkpatrick Macmillan
Telephone (1874) Graham Bell
Radio (1895) Guglielmo Marconi
Television (1927) John Logic Baird, Philo Taylor Farnsworth
Thermometer (1593) Galileo
Calculator (1642) Blaise Pascal
Car (1885) Karl Benz
Camera (1685) Johann Zahn
Computer (1933-1971) Charles Babbage
Battery (1800) Alessandro Volta
Steam Engine(1698) Thomas Savery
Balloon (1824) Michael Faraday
Ball-Point Pen (1888) John J. Loud
Electric iron (1882) H.W. Seeley
Electric Lamp (1802) Humphry Davy
Electric Induction Motor (AC) (1888) Nikola Tesla
Elevator (1853) Elisha G. Otis
Typewriter (1878) Cristopher Latham Sholes
Watch (1542) Peter Henlein
Vaccination (1796) Edward Jenner
Tractor (1892) J. Froelich
Xerox machine (1938) Chester Carlson
Jet Engine (1930) Sir Frank Whittle, Hans von Ohain
Refrigerator (1805) Oliver Evans
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