Types of Communications
January 23, 2020
Types of Trees
January 24, 2020

Road transportation is an essential network for any country.

Classification of roadsare based on many factors such as materials, locations, traffic etc.

Type Of Roads

Let’s see some of them:

1. Types of Roads Based on Materials:

Types of Roads Description
Type Of RoadsEarthen Roads
1. Earthen roads are laid with soil.
2. They are cheaper of all types of roads.
3. This type of road is provided for less traffic areas and or for countryside areas.
Type Of RoadsGravel Roads
1. Gravel roads are also low-quality roads but they are good when compared to earthen roads.

2. Compacted mixture of gravel and earth is used as pavement material in this case.
Type Of RoadsMurrum Roads
1. Murrum is a matter obtained from the disintegration of igneous rocks by weathering agencies.
2. This is used to make roads called as murrum roads.
Type Of RoadsKankar Roads
1. Kankar is nothing but impure form of lime stone.
2. Kankar roads are provided where lime is available in good quantity.
Type Of RoadsConcrete Roads
1. Cement concrete is used to construct the pavements in case of concrete roads.
2. These are very popular and costlier than all other types of roads.
3. Concrete roads are suitable for high traffic areas.

2. Types of Roads Based on Location and Function:

Types of Roads Description
Type Of RoadsNational Highways
1. They connect all major cities to the capital of the country.
Type Of RoadsState Highways
1. State highways are second main roads which connect major parts of state with in it.
Type Of RoadsDistrict Roads
1. District roads connects markets places to state and national highways.
Type Of RoadsVillage Roads
1. Village roads connects the nearby villages with each other.

3. Types of Roads Based on Traffic Volume:

Types of Roads Description
Light Traffic Roads
1. The roads which are carrying 400 vehicles daily on an average is called light traffic roads.
Medium Traffic Roads
1. If a road carrying 400 to 1000 vehicles per day then it is said to be medium traffic road.
High Traffic Roads
1. If a road is carrying is more than 1000 vehicles per day then it is considered as high traffic road.

The world’s biggest road networks:

Type Of Roads

The US boasts the world’s largest road network, followed by China and India, the world’s two most populous countries.

Countries Total Road Length (Approx.)
6.58 million kilometres
4.24 million kilometres
4.1 million kilometres
1.6 million kilometres
1.28 million kilometres
1.21 million kilometres
1.04 million kilometres
1.02 million kilometres

Type Of Roads

Interesting Facts:

  • Currently the total length of Indian highways, combined with expressways and other rural/district roads, measures up to 33 lakh kms (approx.)
  • These highways are mostly of double lanes. But more than 22,900 kms are of 4 to 6 lanes each.
  • The National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the country’s highway network.
  • The smallest national highway is NH47A with a mere length of 6 kms. It runs from Ernakulam to Kochi Port.
  • The NH7 is the longest national highway in India with a length of 2369 kms, running from Varanasi to Kanyakumari.
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