Types of Soils
January 4, 2020
January 10, 2020
  • Vegetables are parts of plants that are eaten by humans as well as animals as food as part of a meal.
  • It is applied to plants collectively to mean all edible plant matter, including the flowers (Cauliflower, broccoli), fruits, stems, leaves (Spinach), roots (Potatoes, carrots), and seeds.
  • Vegetables have vitamins A, B, C, D, minerals and carbohydrates.

Let’s see some of the vegetables:

Vegetables Information
Sources of FoodSweet Potatoes
1. Sweet potatoes are root vegetables.
2. It provides 103 calories and 0.17 grams of fat per medium potato, when it is baked with its skin.
3. Each potato also contains:
> Vitamin A
> Vitamin C and B-6
> potassium
> beta-carotene.
4. Sweet potatoes may benefit people with diabetes.
Sources of FoodBeetroot
1. Beets are root vegetables.
2. It contains essential nutrients:
> Source of fibre,
> Vitamin B9, C
> Manganese
> Potassium, iron.
3. Beets boost your stamina.
4. It helps lower blood pressure.
Sources of FoodAlfalfa sprouts
1. Each cup of alfalfa sprouts contains only 8 calories.
2. These sprouts boast plant compounds:
> Saponins
> Flavonoids
> Phytoestrogens
3. Specialists use alfalfa sprouts to treat a range of health conditions, such as arthritis and kidney problems.
Sources of FoodCarrot
1. Carrots are an extremely versatile vegetable.
2. Carrots are good source of
> Beta carotene,
> Fibre, vitamin K1
> Potassium, and antioxidants.
3. They’re a weight-loss-friendly food.
4. Helps in improving eye health.
Sources of FoodGinger
1. Ginger is quite pungent and spicy.
2. It is a rich source of
> Vitamin B3, B6, C
> Iron, Potassium
> Magnesium, Phosphorus
> Zinc, Folate.
3. Ginger may reduce muscle pain and soreness.
4. Ginger can treat many forms of nausea, especially morning sickness.
Sources of FoodCauliflower
1. Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is a significant source of nutrients.

2. It is high in
> Vitamin C, K
> Fibre
3. It helps in preventing digestive issues and reducing obesity.
4. It contains an antioxidant called indole-3-carbinol.
Sources of FoodOnion
1. Indian onions have two crop cycles.

2. It is high in
> Vitamin C
> Dietary fibre,folic acid.
3. It has antibacterial properties.
4. It helps control blood sugar.
Sources of FoodPeas
1. Peas are sweet, starchy vegetables.
2. They are good source of:
> Fibre, protein
> Vitamins A, C, and K
> Certain B vitamins
3. Peas are also helpful in anti-aging of the skin.
4. They may provide antioxidant and anticancer benefits.
Sources of FoodSpinach
1. Spinach is a leafy green vegetable.
2. It contains high amounts of
> Carotenoids,
> Vitamin C, K,
> Folic acid, iron
> Calcium.
3. It helps in Diabetes management.
4. It helps in cancer prevention.
Sources of FoodTomatoes
1. Tomato taste is a unique combination of five tastings—sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and savoury.
2. It reduces risk of heart disease and cancer.
3. They are great source of
> Vitamin C, K
> Potassium, folate.

Top producers of vegetables:

In 2010, China was the largest vegetable producing nation, with over half the world’s production.

India, the United States, Turkey, Iran, and Egypt were the next largest producers.

Country Area cultivated thousand hectares (2,500 acres) Yield thousand kg/ha (890 lb/acre) Production thousand tonnes (1,100 short tons)
China 23,458 230 539,993
India 7,256 138 100,045
United States 1,120 318 35,609
Turkey 1,090 238 25,901
Iran 767 261 19,995
Egypt 755 251 19,487

Interesting Facts::

  • Bell peppers are usually sold green, but they can also be red, purple or yellow.
  • Most of the nutrients in a potato reside just below the skin layer.
  • A horn worm can eat an entire tomato plant by itself in one day!
  • In the United States, more tomatoes are consumed than any other single fruit or vegetable!
  • California produces almost all of the broccoli sold in the United States.
  • White potatoes were first cultivated by local Indians in the Andes Mountains of South America.
  • Yams and sweet potatoes are not the same thing!
  • A baked potato (with skin) is a good source of dietary fibre (4 grams).
  • Potatoes first appeared in Europe in 1586; they made it to North America in 1719.
  • The potato disease “Late Blight” was the principal cause of the Irish Potato Famine, which killed a half million people.
  • It is recommended that you eat five servings of fruit or vegetables a day. A serving equals one-half cup.
  • Vegetables in Alaska grow gigantic because they receive 20 hours of sunlight a day.
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