July 6, 2020
Digital Devices
August 3, 2020
Letter Words
Abundance(n) = Plenty, a lot
Accessory(n) = An additional part, A useful part
Apple(n) = A fruit
Apron(n) = A garment worn over the front of the body
Aspirant(n) = A person who seeks a position of honor
Belt(n) = A wide strip, a band
Beneficiary(n) = A person who receives benefit
Bike(n) = A bicycle
Breach(n) = A wide hole in wall, breaking
Booklet(n) = A little book
Camel(n) = A large-necked animal with a bump on back
Compiler(n) = One who put together in one book
Colt(n) = A young horse
Cork(n) = A piece used as a bottle stopper
Corner(n) = A place where two lines or surfaces meet
Doll(n) = A child’s toy
Domain(n) = Territory
Droplet(n) = A tiny drop
Duct(n) = A tube, a pipe
Durance(n) = Imprisonment
Ear(n) = The organ of hearing
Excess(n) = Being more
Excellence(n) = High quality
Envelope(n) = A cover for a letter
Estate(n) = Landed property
Fish(n) = A cold-blooded water animal
Finance(n) = Management of money, funds
Florescence(n) = Putting forth of blossoms
Fool(n) = A silly person
Forest(n) = Woodland
Goat(n) = A horned hairy animal allied to sheep
Goal(n) = Winning post, objective, aim
Gossip(n)= Idle talk
Grain(n) = The seed of corn, a very small weight
Guarantee(n) = The giver of security, pledge
Hansom(n) = A two wheeled cab
Harvest(n) = The time for gathering crops
Hattrick(n) = Taking of three wickets successively in cricket
Hut(n) = A small house, a shelter
Hygiene(n) = The science of maintaining health
Ice-cream(n) = Cream sweetened and frozen
Ibex(n) = A wild goat
Icon(n) = Image
Impact(n) = Influence, effect
Impetus(n) = A driving force
Jacket(n) = A short coat
Jackpot(n) = Accumulated stakes in games
Junction(n) = A joining point
Jupiter(n) = The largest planet in the solar system
Jug(n) = A drinking vessel
Kennel(n) = A house for dogs
Kingdom(n) = Province
Kite(n) = A child’s toy flown in the wind
Knowledge(n) = Learning, understanding
Krona(n) = Unit of currency in Sweden
Lawn(n) = Smooth piece of grass
Leather(n) = Skins of animals prepared by tanning
Lemon(n) = A pale-yellow fruit
Leopard(n) = A large spotted animal
Loan(n) = A thing lent; money lent
Magnet(n) = A load stone; attraction
Magic(n) = Witchcraft
Mischief(n) = Harm, injury; merry teasing
Monkey(n) = A small ape
Muff(n) = A covering of fur
Nard(n) = A fragrant plant
Needle(n) = A small steel instrument for sewing
Neighbor(n) = A person living nearby
Nest(n) = A dwelling of birds
Notebook(n) = A small book for notes
Oil(n) = A greasy liquid
Olive(n) = An evergreen tree
Opener(n) = One who opens
Option(n) = Choice, freedom of choice
Orange(n) = A reddish yellow fruit
Parrot(n) = A tropical bird able to imitate human speech
Partridge(n) = A game bird
Partner(n) = A sharer, associate
Peach(n) = A stone-fruit
Pellet(n) = A small ball, pill
Quack(n) = The sound made by the duck
Quadrant(n) = The fourth part of a circle
Quay(n) = A landing place for ships
Quiet(n) = Repose, silence
Queen(n) = Wife of a king
Ratan(n) = A walking stick
Rationale(n) = Fundamental reason
Rebate(n) = A discount
Regiment(n) = A unit of an army
Rainbow(n) = A many-colored bow often seen in the sky during sunshine and rain
Scrap(n) = Small pieces of raw materials
Screw(n) = A kind of nail with spiral ridge
Serenity(n) = Calmness
Shrub(n) = A bush
Sun(n) = The self-luminous heavenly body
Table(n) = A piece of furniture, a list
Tennis(n) = A ball game played with rackets
Thief(n) = A person who steals
Taste(n) = The sense of flavor, good taste
Temple(n) = A place of worship
Ultra(n) = An extremist, extreme
Useless(n) = Of no use
Usage(n) = Treatment, custom, habit
Umbrella(n) = A light folding frame covered with cloth
Umpire(n) = A person selected to rule on the play in a game
Vegetable(n) = Plant grown for food
Violin(n) = A musical instrument
Visitor(n) = One who visits, a guest
Vision(n) = The power of seeing, sight
Voice(n) = The sound uttered, a vote
Wealth(n) = Abundance, riches
Weal(n) = A mark on the skin made by a stick or whip
Weapon(n) = An instrument
Wheel(n) = A round frame which turns on an axis
Window(n) = An opening in a wall
Xenon(n) = A heavy inert gas
Xerox(n) = A photocopy
Xylograph(n) = An engraving on wood
Xylophone(n) = A musical instrument of parallel wooden bars
Xyster(n) = A surgical instrument for scraping bones
Yacht(n) = A light boat for racing or pleasure
Yak(n) = A long-haired wild ox
Yard(n) = A measure of three feet, an enclosure
Year(n) = Twelve months
Yell(n) = A shrill cry
Zone(n) = Area, region
Zeal(n) = Eager desire
Zebra(n) = A stripped wild animal
Zoo(n) = A public garden where wild animals are kept
Zig-zag (n) = A line or path with short sharp turns
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